martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Illustrating Right Now- English version

The group of Spanish and foreign illustrators "" has published its new work «Illustrating Right now», whose benefits will go entirely to improve the lives of families of patients with rare diseases.

The project was started by Anthony Romero, be...hind this joint initiative that involves 13 illustrators, covering different styles and genres. We find in the pages of this book a compilation of the work of professionals like Juan Bauty, Uriel A. Durán, Cinta Villalobos, Frank Muñoz, Alonso Ordoñez or the same Antón Romero.

The book, 32 color pages, has a foreword by the illustrator Roselino López and initially will be sold exclusively through the platform blurb:
The benefits achieved through the sale of this book go to projects and services for people with rare diseases. The aim is to improve the everyday life of these 3 million families in Spain who suffer the isolation and despair of having a rare disease.

Illustrators: Juan Bauty, Roselino López, Antón Romero y Rubén Pérez, Cinta Villalobos, Blanca Gimeno, Uriel A.Duran, Frank Muñoz, Antonio Alonso Ordóñez, Elisa Ferreira, Kristina Sabaite, Miguel Ángel Martínez y Virginia Romo.

In facebook:

Text by Elisa Ferreira (tanks)

2 comentarios:

robi pena dijo...

An que tal amigo :-)?!! WOW, tiene unas pintas buenisimas este libro y con tanto artistazo, por una buena causa!!! Tea acabo de ver en el video que posteastes «programa de la TVG» que buenoooo!! Pues aqui seguimos, averiguando el tema de marcharnos para España, ojala que para febrero este todo listo :-)!! Abrazos!!

An dijo...

robi, muchas gracias, a pesar de la difusión que se le a esta teniendo mucho éxito...una pena. Os espero en España pues...quizas ese mes nos pasemos por Asturias....ya se vera, pero hace mucho que no vamos. Abrazos